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WZIG On-line donations

    Donations are tax deductible

    • Thank you for supporting local non-commercial radio!

      You can choose from a series of monthly donation levels, buy equipment for the station or donate just once.

      There are 4 ways to donate to WZIG:

      Zelle: Log into your bank, select transfers, Zelle, add recipient:


      Enter your donation amount and SEND.

      Check: send/drop off a check to WZIG, 36625 US 19N, Palm Harbor FL USA 34684 (at Snappers Plaza; across from Innisbrook US 19 entrance, near US19 and Citrus Dr.)

      Credit Card - one time - Scroll down to Credit Card one-time donations and select an amount.  We pay a fee for this, so Zelle or Checks are preferred if you can.

      Credit Card - monthly donations - click HERE - No Paypal account required (they're just the processor).

Recommended Donation:  $25/mo (auto donate each month). 
Or select another monthly amount.

$25 Pays for a portion of the transmitter electricity and a biscuit for Moose.
$50 pays for transmitter electricity for one month.  Two biscuits.
$100 pays for part of the music rights for one month.  Four biscuits.
$200 pays for almost all of the music rights for one month.  Eight biscuits.
$500 pays for electricity, music rights and maintenance for one month. 
       No more biscuits.  He's going to get fat.

Click HERE to donate monthly
Then click the MONTHLY tab

If you don't have a paypal account, click on "Debit or Credit Card"

Credit card One-time donations:

Micro-morsel:  $10  (one-time only)

Morsel:  $25  (one-time only)

Click the DONATE button then "Use your credit card or bank account"

Help pay for the music that we adore (Moose pays this every year):

    BMI and Global Music Music rights cost $1235

    ASCAP Music rights cost $800

    SESAC Music rights cost $875

    SoundExchange Music rights cost $1000

    The above costs don't get Moose any CD's or downloads, only permission to broadcast it.  It helps pay the artists.

Moose's automation or streaming computer $600

Moose's antenna  $2800

Moose's transmitter, rack and battery backup $9,400

Transmitter electricity for a year $720

other equipment $4,200

One-time Donation ($100 suggested; you say how much)

Palm Harbor Radio Inc. is a non-profit IRS 501(c) Charity and donations are tax deductible.  Woo-hoo!

Questions?   Please be very patient - this is a one-dog operation.

Auto-donate subscribers who want to make a change can  

Thank you!